Canadian Environmental Protection Act: compliance and enforcement policy: chapter 5

Environment Canada believes that promotion of compliance through information, education and other means is an effective tool in securing conformity with the law. Accordingly, Environment Canada will undertake public education and information transfer measures, as described in this chapter.

In addition, the department will meet as required with other federal departments and agencies, provinces, territories, aboriginal governments and aboriginal people, industry, environmental groups and other interested parties, so that information and concerns can be exchanged about the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA), enforcement practices and compliance.

One of the roles of Environment Canada engineers, biologists, chemists, geologists and experts in environmental sciences is to promote compliance through various means that are described below. However, due to the nature of their responsibilities to verify compliance with CEPA and to investigate suspected violations, enforcement officers and CEPA analysts will limit their compliance promotion activities to providing copies of CEPA, its regulations and this policy. For further information, scientific personnel and enforcement officers and analysts may also refer the public to the environment and natural resources web section.

Education and information

As stated above, under CEPA, the Minister of Environment is required to create an environmental registry. The registry is not a listing of document titles; it is rather a collection of all documents that are required to be published under the act and its regulations, as well as those that the Minister, in his or her discretion, decides to publish even in the absence of an obligation to do so.

CEPA also allows the Minister to give notice of the availability of a document. In cases where a document is very lengthy or has complicated drawings, industrial plans or specifications, it is possible that the registry will contain only notice of the availability of the document, as well as a contact name or address from which the document may be obtained.

Through the registry, Environment Canada will either provide or give notice of the availability of the following materials: