New Red Book test 1 - ACT prep

- 5.1 Debt Management

This booklet contains tests in English, mathematics, reading, and science. These tests measure skills and abilities highly related to high school course work and success in college. Calculators may be used on the mathematics test only.

The questions in each test are numbered, and the suggested answers for each question are lettered. On the answer document, the rows of ovals are numbered to match the questions, and the ovals in each row are lettered to correspond to the suggested answers.

For each question, first decide which answer is best. Next, locate on the answer document the row of ovals numbered the same as the question. Then, locate the oval in that row lettered the same as your answer. Finally, fill in the oval completely. Use a soft lead pencil and make your marks heavy and black. Do not use ink or a mechanical pencil.

Mark only one answer to each question. If you change your mind about an answer, erase your first mark thoroughly before marking your new answer. For each question, make certain that you mark in the row of ovals with the same number as the question.

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080658 Practice Test 1

The Official ACT Prep Guide

What Elephants Learn

Cynthia Moss has been studying

elephants, since 1972 when she started the

now-famous Amboseli Elephant Research Project

in Amboseli National Park in Kenya. An author,

lecturer, filmmaker, and a fierce advocate for

elephants—which face a daunting array of

threats to their survival, from droughts to human

encroachment Moss is widely considered an

expert on the social behavior of these creatures.

  1. A. NO CHANGE B. elephants, since 1972, C. elephants since 1972, D. elephants’ since 1972
  2. F. NO CHANGE G. more-then-famous H. now famously J. famously
  3. A. NO CHANGE B. encroachment— C. encroachment: D. encroachment,
  4. At this point, the writer is considering adding the fol- lowing true statement: Humans are among the threats to the animal’s survival. Should the writer make this addition here? F. Yes, because it presents a crucial factor in deter- mining Moss’s interest in working with elephants. G. Yes, because it introduces the idea that becomes the focus of the rest of the essay. H. No, because the essay is focused on elephants and does not otherwise mention a human presence in their lives. J. No, because this information is already provided in the paragraph.

45 Minutes—75 Questions

DIRECTIONS: In the five passages that follow, certain words and phrases are underlined and numbered. In the right-hand column, you will find alternatives for the underlined part. In most cases, you are to choose the one that best expresses the idea, makes the statement appropriate for standard written English, or is worded most consistently with the style and tone of the passage as a whole. If you think the original version is best, choose “NO CHANGE.” In some cases, you will find in the right-hand column a question about the underlined part. You are to choose the best answer to the question.

You will also find questions about a section of the pas- sage, or about the passage as a whole. These questions do not refer to an underlined portion of the passage, but rather are identified by a number or numbers in a box.

For each question, choose the alternative you consider best and fill in the corresponding oval on your answer document. Read each passage through once before you begin to answer the questions that accompany it. For many of the questions, you must read several sentences beyond the question to determine the answer. Be sure that you have read far enough ahead each time you choose an alternative.


1 1

The Official ACT Prep Guide

[ 7 ] Ely was born with deformed feet that initially

prevented him from walking.

Moss has brought compelling stories and information

about elephants is provided to an ever-expanding audience.

She hopes others will in turn become advocates for the

animals she admires and understands in ways few

Seeing remnants of outdoor advertisements from a

bygone era, they are called “ghost signs.” I search for them

on city streets, in town squares, and along country roads.

Some are weather-beaten billboards; others are faded

murals painted years ago on the sides of old buildings.

Whatever words remain Fruiterer. Apothecary.

Gramophones. Pan-Handle Coffee—are often barely

  1. For the sake of logic and cohesion, the best placement for Sentence 7 would be: A. where it is now. B. before Sentence 1. C. after Sentence 3. D. after Sentence 4.
  2. F. NO CHANGE G. is given by her to H. is reaching J. to
  3. Suppose the writer’s goal had been to write a brief essay focusing on some aspect of animal behavior in the wild. Would this essay accomplish that goal? A. Yes, because the essay focuses on Moss’s research on how elephants on the savanna learn to identify their various family members. B. Yes, because the essay focuses on elephants on the savanna and some of the behaviors they display, as studied by Moss. C. No, because the essay focuses instead on how ele- phants have evolved in Kenya as compared to how they have evolved in other parts of Africa. D. No, because the essay focuses on elephants that Moss studies in zoos around the world.
  4. F. NO CHANGE G. The sight of remnants H. To see remnants J. Remnants
  5. A. NO CHANGE B. era that is no more, C. era of another time, D. era of times past,
  6. F. NO CHANGE G. remain— H. remain, J. remain:


1 1

Question 15 asks about the preceding passage as a whole.

The following paragraphs may or may not be in the most logical order. Each paragraph is num- bered in brackets, and question 29 will ask you to choose where Paragraph 2 should most logically be placed.

Taking and Scoring Your First ACT Practice Test

Your First Practice Test

legible, pale fragments of yesterday’s consumer culture

should strike me as silly or sad. After all, there they are:

advertising products and businesses that no longer exist.

Yet, they themselves survive without apology, with instead,

their simple claims and complex colors. The contrast draws

me in every time.

I collect ghost signs. Not the signs themselves,

but photos of them. Driving home from school one chilly

October evening, my collection got its start. I had made

the same drive countless times before, but I had never

noticed the sign.

Then there it was, an ad for “Joe’s Café,”

perched atop a metal pole, which was upright under

a cape of kudzu vines. Maybe it was the way the

setting sun’s illumination of the yellowing plastic.

Maybe it was the small hole, a clue to vandalism

or of a hailstorm. Instead, something about the sign

touched me. I pulled over. In the twilight, I got out

of the car, snapped a picture with my phone, and sent

it to some friends. I vowed to return with my camera

to better capture the forlorn, luminous beauty of my

discovery. Since that dusky evening, I have been

happily haunted by ghost signs.

  1. A. NO CHANGE B. that should C. they should D. should they
  2. F. NO CHANGE G. products and businesses, H. products, and businesses J. products: businesses
  3. A. NO CHANGE B. apology, with, instead, C. apology with instead, D. apology with instead
  4. F. NO CHANGE G. Driving home from school one chilly October evening was the beginning of my collection. H. I started my collection one chilly October evening, driving home from school. J. The start of my collection came to me driving home from school one chilly October evening.
  5. Given that all the choices are accurate, which one echoes a central point the writer makes about ghost signs? A. NO CHANGE B. was not what interested me, C. might have been wood, D. was disappearing
  6. F. NO CHANGE G. illuminating setting sun on H. sun illuminated the set on J. setting sun illuminated
  7. A. NO CHANGE B. evidence of C. evidently D. DELETE the underlined portion.
  8. F. NO CHANGE G. On the other hand, something H. Meanwhile, something J. Something


1 1

Taking and Scoring Your First ACT Practice Test

Your First Practice Test

vertical caves were formed over thousands of years, and

their cold depths provide abundant clues to the islands’

During the formation process, tiny grains of

calcium carbonate separated from the seawater. These

grains built up, then compacted, forming the limestone

that makes up the islands. [B] Over time, rainwater

permeated the porous limestone but was trapped just

above sea level, buoyed by the denser seawater below.

Jostled back and forth by tides, the layer of slightly

acidic, brackish water eroded limestone faster than

either rainwater—or seawater—could alone. As the

limestone eroded caves formed.

Over time periods in which the weather changed

drastically, sea levels rose and fell by hundreds of

feet. This allowed the cave-creating process to

be a process that repeated at different depths

hundreds of feet apart. The roofs of many caves

collapsed, leaving the chambers beneath exposed.

  1. Given that all the following statements are true, which one, if added here, would most effectively introduce the topic of this paragraph? F. The Bahamas were formed from calcium carbon- ate, a component of seawater. G. Calcium carbonate, a common rock substance, is also found in seawater. H. Much of the land making up the Bahamas is still underwater. J. Most types of limestone contain calcium carbonate.
  2. A. NO CHANGE B. are building C. will build D. build
  3. F. NO CHANGE G. being buoyed because of H. it being buoyed by J. buoying it was
  4. A. NO CHANGE B. rainwater, or seawater, C. rainwater, or seawater D. rainwater or seawater
  5. F. NO CHANGE G. limestone, eroded caves H. limestone eroded, caves J. limestone eroded caves,
  6. Which choice most specifically illustrates how long the cave-creating process took? A. NO CHANGE B. Between ice ages and the more temperate eras that followed them, C. During this extended time, D. As time passed,
  7. F. NO CHANGE G. repeat again and again at various different depths. H. repeat at different depths that varied. J. repeat at different depths.


1 1

The Official ACT Prep Guide

Some of these blue holes open to small contained caves

others open to miles-long interconnected tunnels.

The telltale sign of a blue hole is a circular patch

of water striking darker than the water surrounding

them. (The darker water indicates greater depth.)

[C] Divers have found the remains of turtles and

alligators. Now extinct on the islands, stalactites and

stalagmites from a time when the caves were above

sea level, and artifacts of early human inhabitants.

[D] Hundreds of blue holes can be sighted off the

Bahamas. So far, most remain unexplored by divers, owing

in part to the danger of cave diving. Often the only clue to

the mysteries below is the tantalizing sight of dark blue

water leading deep into the sea.

  1. A. NO CHANGE B. caves that C. caves; D. caves,
  2. At this point, the writer is considering adding the fol- lowing true sentence: At 663 feet deep, Dean’s Blue Hole in Long Island, Bahamas, is a popular cave-diving destination. Should the writer make this addition here? F. Yes, because it supports the preceding sentence by providing an example of a blue hole that is very deep. G. Yes, because it allows the reader to visualize a specific blue hole in the Bahamas. H. No, because it offers a detail that is unrelated to the paragraph’s focus on the cave-creating process. J. No, because it does not provide an adequate description of Dean’s Blue Hole.
  3. A. NO CHANGE B. strikingly darker C. strikingly darkly D. striking darkly
  4. F. NO CHANGE G. these. H. one. J. it.
  5. A. NO CHANGE B. alligators now. Extinct on C. alligators now extinct on D. alligators now extinct. On
  6. Which choice most effectively suggests the shape of blue holes as described earlier in the essay? F. NO CHANGE G. dot the waters of H. darken parts of J. appear in
  7. The writer wants to add the following sentence to the essay: In these depths, fossils and ancient rock for- mations are incredibly well preserved. This sentence would most logically be placed at: A. Point A in Paragraph 1. B. Point B in Paragraph 2. C. Point C in Paragraph 4. D. Point D in Paragraph 5.


1 1

Question 45 asks about the preceding passage as a whole.

The Official ACT Prep Guide

[D] The Aurelian Wall featured eighteen large

gateways permitting both foot and chariot traffic

in and out of the city. In other words, a series of

381 towers and eleven smaller side gates called

posterns were evenly spaced along the rest of the wall.

Both the posterns and the towers served as defensive

positions for protecting Rome. Walkable passages lined

the inner side of the wall.

The Romans used bricks to build the Aurelian Wall.

However, only small portions of the Servian Wall remains,

some of which can be seen inside a chain restaurant

located beneath Rome’s central train station.

It could, perhaps, be considered ironic that remnants

  1. F. NO CHANGE G. Therefore, a H. Instead, a J. A
  2. A. NO CHANGE B. Both, the posterns and the towers, C. Both the posterns, and the towers D. Both the posterns and the towers,
  3. Which choice provides the most specific information about how posterns and towers served as defensive positions? F. NO CHANGE G. by providing cover for armed guards during an enemy attack. H. in that they were designed to help Rome repel enemy attacks. J. by keeping Rome safe from invaders.
  4. Given that all the statements are true, which one pro- vides the most effective transition to Paragraph 5? A. NO CHANGE B. Today, the Aurelian Wall continues to dominate the Roman landscape. C. Emperor Aurelian did not survive long enough to see the completion of the Aurelian Wall. D. Before the Servian and Aurelian Walls were built, ancient Rome was most likely protected by mounds of earth.
  5. F. NO CHANGE G. were remaining, H. has remained, J. remain,
  6. At this point, the writer is considering adding the fol- lowing true statement: To hasten the construction of the Aurelian Wall, existing architectural features, such as aque- ducts, were incorporated into the structure. Should the statement be added here? A. Yes, because it adds information about the Aurelian Wall that supports the main idea of the paragraph. B. Yes, because it demonstrates how innovative and practical the Roman engineers were. C. No, because it provides a detail that interrupts the paragraph’s discussion of the Servian Wall in the present day. D. No, because it provides a level of detail about the wall that is inconsistent with the level of detail in the rest of the essay.


1 1

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Your First Practice Test

  1. F. NO CHANGE G. what was yet to be appointed to the designation of H. what would in reality become the J. a would be but not yet
  2. Which choice best completes the irony that is set up in the first part of the sentence? A. NO CHANGE B. as important relics of Rome’s earliest boundaries. C. within a fast-food restaurant. D. in such varied locations.
  3. The writer is considering adding the following state- ment to the essay: The two walls can be thought of as concentric circles emanating from the ancient Roman Forum. If the writer were to add this statement, it would most logically be placed at: F. Point A in Paragraph 1. G. Point B in Paragraph 2. H. Point C in Paragraph 3. J. Point D in Paragraph 4.
  4. A. NO CHANGE B. Revolution, prisoner of war James Forten, C. Revolution, prisoner of war James Forten D. Revolution prisoner of war, James Forten
  5. Which of the following sentences, if added here, would provide the most logical transition from the preceding paragraph to this paragraph? F. Forten was one of many to serve in the American Revolution. G. Forten’s rejection was risky. H. Such an offer must have been unusual. J. Many would later admire Forten’s skills as an innovator.
  6. A. NO CHANGE B. chances to surviving C. chances of surviving D. chance to survive


1 1

of a wall that once protected the future capital of one

of the ancient world’s most famous empires are now

preserved and recognized as historically significant

James Forten, Revolutionary Sailmaker

“I have been taken prisoner for the liberties of my

country, and never will prove a traitor to her interests.” [A]

Before entering a British-run prison during the American

Revolution prisoner of war, James Forten, said these words

as a patriotic rejection of his British captor’s offer to free

him and educate him in England.

chance of surviving imprisonment were slim.

Question 60 asks about the preceding passage as a whole.

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Your First Practice Test

  1. Given that all the following choices are accurate, which one most effectively provides a transition into the next sentence of the essay? F. NO CHANGE. G. had fought for his country in the Revolutionary War. H. donated to such places as schools and hospitals. J. maintained his business during difficult times.
  2. A. NO CHANGE B. smaller, and more C. smaller, more D. smaller
  3. F. NO CHANGE G. over more than half of his own H. more than over half of his J. over half of his
  4. A. NO CHANGE B. veteran, cultivating the sails of freedom, C. veteran, nurturing the road to reform, D. veteran
  5. Suppose the writer’s primary purpose had been to describe in detail the daily operations of a successful business in the newly formed United States. Would this essay accomplish that purpose? A. Yes, because it describes how Forten became a successful businessman and how his business sur- vived numerous challenges. B. Yes, because it describes the historical signifi- cance of Forten’s business and how the business evolved. C. No, because it focuses more on Forten as a patriot, businessman, and abolitionist than on the daily workings of his business. D. No, because it focuses primarily on contrasting Forten’s work as an abolitionist with his work as a sailmaker.

1 1

A savvy businessman, Forten

supported abolitionist causes. When

the War of 1812 closed the port of Philadelphia,

Forten used his profits in real estate and lending to

support his sailmaking enterprise. When the need for

smaller, quicker vessels changed sail design, he adapted.

One thing Forten refused to do, however, was fit a slave

ship with sails.

In fact, historians estimate that the sailmaker

invested over greater than half his fortune in work

to abolish slavery. [C] One of the wealthiest men in

Philadelphia, Forten helped finance the Liberator, a

powerful abolitionist newspaper. [D] The Revolutionary

War veteran, who served in this war, believed that the

United States owed all residents the right to freedom.

  1. The writer is considering adding the following true statement to the essay: Writing under a pen name, Forten himself sub- mitted numerous articles and letters, calling for the end of slavery. If the writer were to add this sentence to the essay, it would most logically be placed at: F. Point A in Paragraph 1. G. Point B in Paragraph 3. H. Point C in Paragraph 6. J. Point D in Paragraph 6.


Questions 74 and 75 ask about the preceding passage as a whole.

The Official ACT Prep Guide

  1. Which of the following expressions is equivalent to a(4 − a) − 5(a + 7)?

A. − 2 a − 35 B. − 2 a + 07 C. 0 −a 2 − a − 35 D. 0 −a 2 − a + 07 E. − 2 a 3 − 35

  1. Which of the following inequalities orders the numbers

0, 0, and from least to greatest?

  1. If x 2 + 4 = 29, then x 2 − 4 =?

A. 0005 B. √•• 21 C. 0021 D. 0025 E. 0033

_ 1 _ 4 1 __ 4 1 __ 4 1 __ 4 _ 1 _ 4



60 Minutes—60 Questions

2 2

DIRECTIONS: Solve each problem, choose the correct answer, and then fill in the corresponding oval on your answer document.

Do not linger over problems that take too much time. Solve as many as you can; then return to the others in the time you have left for this test.

You are permitted to use a calculator on this test. You may use your calculator for any problems you choose,

but some of the problems may best be done without using a calculator.

Note: Unless otherwise stated, all of the following should be assumed.

  1. Illustrative figures are NOT necessarily drawn to scale.
  2. Geometric figures lie in a plane.
  3. The word line indicates a straight line.
  4. The word average indicates arithmetic mean.

The Official ACT Prep Guide

  1. When points A and B(−3,4) are graphed in the standard (x,y) coordinate plane below, the midpoint of AB

be (1,2). What will be the coordinates of point A?

F. (−7,6) G. (−2,1) H. (−1,3) J. (−1,8) K. ( 5,0)

  1. Andrea manages a company that currently has 116 customers, which is 8 more than twice the number of customers the company had 1 year ago. How many customers did the company have 1 year ago? A. 050 B. 054 C. 062 D. 066 E. 100
  2. Joseph will have a 200-foot-long fence installed around his yard. The A+ Fence Company charges a $500 fee, plus a set amount per foot of fence. The A+ Fence Company has given Joseph an estimate of $2,200 to install the fence around his yard. What is the set amount per foot of fence? F. $ 0 4. G. $ 0 4. H. $ 0 8. J. $11. K. $13.
  3. For a math homework assignment, Karla found the area and perimeter of a room of her house. She reported that the area of her rectangular living room is 180 square feet and that the perimeter is 54 feet. When drawing a sketch of her living room the next day, she realized that she had forgotten to write down the dimensions of the room. What are the dimensions of Karla’s living room, in feet? A. 0 9 by 20 B. 10 by 18 C. 12 by 15 D. 14 by 13 E. 16 by 11



2 2

Taking and Scoring Your First ACT Practice Test

Your First Practice Test

Carrie’s Chocolate Shop and Tamika’s Treat Shop both sell candy in boxes. The table below lists the price (the total amount the customer pays) of each box of candy sold at the shops. For each shop, there is a linear relationship between the price of a box of candies and the number of candies in that box. These are the only numbers of candies that can be purchased at the shops.

  1. Jeremy has $10 in quarters to spend on candy. What is the maximum number of quarters he would have left after paying for a box of 25 candies at Tamika’s Treat Shop? (Note: Each quarter is worth $0.) F. 10 G. 17 H. 22 J. 23 K. 30
  2. At Tamika’s Treat Shop, what is the average price per candy in a box of 20, to the nearest $0? A. $0. B. $0. C. $0. D. $0. E. $0.
  3. Which of the following equations gives the relationship between the price in dollars, c, and the number of candies, n, in a box of candies at Carrie’s Chocolate Shop? F. c = 0 + 0. G. c = 0 H. c = 0 + 1. J. c = 00,n − 3. K. c = 1 − 5.

Candies per box (n)

Price at Carrie’s Chocolate Shop (c)

Price at Tamika’s Treat Shop (t)

05 $1 $2. 10 $2 $2. 15 $3 $3. 20 $4 $3. 25 $5 $4. 30 $6 $4.



2 2

Use the following information to answer questions 12–14.

Taking and Scoring Your First ACT Practice Test

Your First Practice Test

  1. A 5-inch-by-7-inch photograph was cut to fit exactly into a 4-inch-by-6-inch frame. What is the area, in square inches, of the part of the photograph that was cut off? A. 02 B. 10 C. 11 D. 12 E. 24
  2. A line contains the points A, B, C, and D. Point B is between points A and C. Point D is between points C and B. Which of the following inequalities must be true about the lengths of these segments? F. BC < AB G. BD < AB H. BD < CD J. CD < AB K. CD < BC
  3. If x and y are positive integers such that the greatest common factor of x 2 y 2 and xy 3 is 45, then which of the following could y equal?

A. 45 B. 15 C. 9 D. 5 E. 3

  1. To test a new medicine, each of 300 volunteers was assigned a distinct number from 1 to 300. Next, a calculator was used to simulate drawing 150 balls from among 300 congruent balls. The balls were numbered the same way as the volunteers so that 150 volunteers to receive the new medication would be chosen without bias. The other volunteers received a placebo. Weeks later, the 2 groups were compared. Which of the following phrases best describes the company’s testing? F. Randomized census G. Randomized experiment H. Nonrandomized experiment J. Randomized sample survey K. Nonrandomized sample survey
  2. One caution sign flashes every 4 seconds, and another caution sign flashes every 10 seconds. At a certain instant, the 2 signs flash at the same time. How many seconds elapse until the 2 signs next flash at the same time? A. 06 B. 07 C. 14 D. 20 E. 40



2 2

The Official ACT Prep Guide

  1. For all nonzero values of a and b, the value of which of the following expressions is always negative?

F. a − b G. −a − b H. ⎪a⎪ + ⎪b⎪ J. ⎪a⎪ − ⎪b⎪ K. −⎪a⎪ − ⎪b⎪

  1. Graphed in the same standard (x,y) coordinate plane are a circle and a parabola. The circle has radius 3 and center (0,0). The parabola has vertex (−3,−2), has a vertical axis of symmetry, and passes through (−2,−1). The circle and the parabola intersect at how many points? A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 E. 4
  2. 40% of 250 is equal to 60% of what number?
  1. Which of the following inequalities is equivalent to − 2 x − 6 y > 2 y − 4? A. x < − 4 y + 2 B. x > − 4 y + 2 C. x < 2 y + 2 D. x < 4 y + 2 E. x > 4 y + 2