Can A Judge Change A Plea Bargain At Sentencing?

Sometimes the lawyers will confer with the judge during the negotiations period about “being bound” to the plea and agreed upon sentence.

In the article that follows, we’ll talk about how plea bargains are reached and whether a judge can change the plea bargain at sentencing.

Can A Judge Change A Plea Bargain At Sentencing? (EXPLAINED)


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What Is A Plea Bargain?

In a criminal case, a “plea bargain” is what we call an agreed upon resolution to a criminal case (or multiple cases).

This plea bargain usually involves a plea of guilty to a charge or multiple charges, in exchange for something.

The plea could also be a no contest plea, or even an Alford plea.

The prosecutor gets his guilty pleas, and then defendant gets something, such as:

How Are Plea Bargains Achieved?

Behind the scenes of criminal cases, the lawyers are constantly talking about the case.

In general, in major criminal cases, negotiations wait until after the evidence has been reviewed so that the defendant can be apprised of his chances at trial before considering a plea deal.

But in low level misdemeanor cases, it is common for the prosecutor to offer the defendant a plea deal very early on in the case, sometimes even at arraignment.

Sometimes plea deals are achieved with phone calls or emails between lawyers.

Sometimes the parties attend a settlement conference with the judge to try and hammer out a resolution.

Does The Judge Have To Go Along With The Deal?

Absent a specific set of circumstances, the judge does not have to follow the negotiations in the case.

Judges in most instances will follow the negotiated terms, but here are a few instances when the judge might not: